Other Herbs
Angelica $4.00
Large perennial herb in the same family as dill and lovage. Stems are candies and it is used to flavor gin and vermouth.
Betony $5.00
Perennial herbs with scarlet blooms. Old timey herb.
Large plants bear hundreds of small edible flowers. Mild cucumber flavor for salads and garnishes. Long harvest period. Great bee plant. More blooms in poor soil Attracts beneficial insects.
Anise Hyssop ( Agastache foeniculum) $5.00
Great bee plant. Very aromatic, with a sweet licorice-mint flavor. Leaves and flowers can be used fresh or dried for salads, teas and garnishes or potpourri.Known for it's candied stems with a mild licorice flavor.Makes a nice tea. Lives only 2-3 years unless flowerheads are removed early.May cause photosensitivity.
Succulent herb which multiplies quickly. Gel from inside leaves used to treat mild skin conditions.
Aztec Sweet Herb
Tender perennial. Used by Aztecs as a sweetener but has a bitter aftertaste and is not recommended for culinary use. Great ground creeper with tiny white button like flowers. Good in hanging baskets. We use it to creep along and drape over the stones surrounding our fish pond. Sold out
Bee Balm, Wild
Tall plant with lavender flowers.
Black Pepper Vine $10.00
Source of peppercorns. Must be grown indoors if temps below 60. One plant left this year.
Leaves have minty aroma. Used in Tuscan dishes to season mushrooms and vegetables.
Orange or yellow blossoms good in salads Saffron substitute. May inhibit growth of nearby plants Used in salves and creams.This year all plants are orange flowered.Replanted mid May Needs 2-3 more wks.
Cardamom $5.00
Appealing plant with perfumed leaves, good shade plant. Rarely produces seeds outside of it’s natural habitat.
Vigorous, high-yielding plants. Cat-attracting perennial with gray-green leaves and white flowers
Catnip, Lemon
Strong lemon flavor. Great for tea. May not attract cats as much as regular catnip.
Chamomile, Polish
Small pineapple-mint scented daisy like flowers. Makes a relaxing tea. Annual.similiar to German Chamomile.More prolific and larger than the German form..
Mild sweet anise flavor. Used in soups, salads, garnishes, and anywhere parsley is used. Prefers shade and cooler temperatures.Seed did not germinate. Will replant.
Mild onion flavor. Leaves are a key culinary herb, while the attractive globe-shaped blooms are used as an edible garnish. Great perennial for the garden.
This is an extra-slow-bolting selection grown for its leaves. Used in Mexican cooking. Seeds are coriander and used in Indian and Oriental cooking Sold out. Replanted June 1. Needs 3-4 wks.
Citronella Balm
Twice as much fragrant oil as the traditional lemon balm.
Citronella Grass $5.00
Citronella oil is distilled from this grass. Small plant form large2-3’ wide plant by summers end. Can be cut back, divided into multiple plants and brought indoors for the winter.
Comfrey $5.00
Used for centuries. Tolerates sun or shade. Great for compost tea.
Comfrey, Russian $5.00
Same use as Confrey but bred to have less of the harmful components. Grows only by plant division not seed. I have found it to grow as fast as Comfrey which does reseed.
Ornamental with curry fragrance Not culinary.
Curry Leaf Tree $5-$10
Slow to germinate.Sold out
Dill, Mammoth
Good for dillweeed use or let go to seed for seeds. Butterfly host plant.Seed replanted 5/24.
Fennel, Florence
Similar to sweet fennel, but produces a bulbous base of delicate anise flavor and crisp texture. Superb sliced raw in green salads, sautéed, or quartered in chicken casseroles
Fennel, Sweet
Chopped leaves are excellent with oily fish, such as mackerel, eel and salmon, for they improve digestibility. Also in soups, salads and stews. Butterfly host plant.